Official yard sites range from multi-organizational group sites to the official individual sites. As you are traveling during this event, look for the The Official Site Banners and Official Vendor Yard Signs which will be located along Hwy 341 for places to stop and shop!
Come join us as a shopper and look at all the places open for your business to find the treasure your are looking to have. Take a minute to link to Peaches to the Beaches viewing the easy to read and follow the link to Peaches to the Beaches mapping system and see for yourself the many places to shop ’till you drop. All your favorite place are there in your home town and county!
Come to 39 Wright Avenue and have your business or off site vendor spot on a map that travels you to sales and fun!…You rent the sign and you will be known on the map! All those traveling will see you and where you are on the “longest yard sale in Georgia!” Remember price goes up on February 1, 2024 from $40 to $50 and more the six vendor off sites locations $240 to $250. Food only is priced at $50 and late charge is $10
1)Become an Official Peaches to the Beaches in 2024
space. After February 1, 2024: $50 per space
2)RENT an Official Yard Sign to be placed at your choice of location. $40 per official yard sign at your house if on Hwy 341;
After February 1, 2024: $50 per official yard sign. Note: After February 1, we cannot guarantee that your listing will be included on vendor/site maps, website, listings, etc. Official Yard Signs available while supplies last.
3)RENT an Official Site Banner $240 to be an official site (for locations with 6 or more vendors).
$240 per official site banner. Note: After February 10, we cannot guarantee that your site will be included on vendor/site maps, websites, listings, etc. 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. on both days of the event.
Come have fun, shop, or sell!!
To become an Official Vendor, contact
Patti Temple
Roberta Crawford County Chamber of Commerce
Mail: P.O. Box 417
Roberta Georgia 31078
Shopping fever is hard to quench and clean cupboard, carports, closets and outbuilding a treasure to have not to mention the money you can raise!