Peaches to the Beaches March 14-15. 2025!!

It is just around the corner in 2025…Peaches to the Beaches Yard Sale! Visit Crawford County in the great little city of Roberta on 341 north and south!
Beginning in Barnesville, Georgia follow US Hyw.341 travel south to the beaches in Brunswick for the best buys and most fun you can have for two days!
Or…come enjoy the two days or make money selling your “Stuff” March 14-15, 2025. 8:00 am – 6:00 pm both Friday and Saturday.
It’s Georgia’s longest yard sale features official vendors selling everything from antiques, locally crafted items, food, and the traditional yard sale fare.

Mark your calendars for a great time in Roberta Crawford County and the longest “yard sale” event from Barnesville to the Beaches of Brunswick, Georgia!

Georgia Jug Festival May 17 Pre-Events Pre Event May 16, 2025 Lunch and Learn

Georgia Jug Festival, May 17, 2025 will be here very soon. Come join us for a full day of festival beginning in Knoxville for arts hand crafts and pottery of course from many of our pottery makers who will gladly sell you one of their beautiful pots, bowls, pitchers or other artistry of clay. Many other artists will be on the field to purchase for gifting or just for your own decor.
If you are interested in having a booth contact Roberta Crawford County Chamber of Commerce at 478-836-3825 or mail your entry to PO Box 419, Roberta, Georgia 31078 or email Events all day long from Knoxville to Roberta. We will be led to Roberta by the tractor parade for with excitement coming your way–especially lots of food! Call either number and spend a whole day in Knoxville and Roberta. For the love of mud! Come festival with us. You will have fun and toe taping with the great band we have coming.
May 16, 2025 Miss Roberta Jug Fest will be crowned and her court and gents will be presented on the field May 17th during the day. Miss Georgia Jug Fest will have a few words to say about the festival and the Pageant. Plan to have a great day of family fun. We are looking forward to all the potters who bring back the wonderful art, Crawford Cjounty has been recognized in talent and forefathers of the are of clay.


My hat potter

…19th Annual Georgia Jug Festival In the Books! May 18th 2024—For the love of mud! join us!

Georgia Jug Festival
                     “for the love of mud”

See you May 18, 2024!

Jug Fest crafts and pottery are the best!

For the love of Mud!

The Kiln at Knoxville Bottom will be Saturday May 13 by Stephen Johnson and Shelby West. Shelby will be putting some of his talent in the kiln and selling them at Georgia Jug Festival. Both young men accomplished potters. Many thanks to these local students who have been with the Jug Fest since it was a very young years…Little Brown Jug Fest was Shelby Wests first demonstration and sales. Stephen followed with his students on the field and his own creations. Pottery Lives in Crawford for the love of mud!

Georgia Jug Fest is ready to go in the area of Crawford Co. Historical Society 5K and 1 Mile Fun Run. First event of the day! Go on line to apply and you can run to win or just to enjoy the shorter fun run.  Race  Director – Ashley  Gordon  has  information  on the  Macon Track/OrthoGA Race Series  race forms will  be  posted  on  series  by  the  end  of  January 2024. ” For the love  of  mud…put your  track shoes on!

Artists and craft vendors will be on the field on the field as well as many of our businesses and other vendors to be sure many will be there to feed you or will have items from the handcrafted or jewelry or a new leather belt. We will be posting on the website as we prepare for the festival . Come and enjoy the people and the event offering many areas for children to stage performances. and it does not end because at 4:00 pm the Soapbox Derby an added event for ages 5-13 year olds can enter their Soapbox and win prizes and ribbons. Awards will be given to winners on the Roberta Town Square where the party will continue with music, dancing and food and good family fun! Stay tuned for more information.  


All day fun and music coming your way !
Dance and tap your toes to bands and eat until you just can’t eat anymore  tour the old buildings. Enjoy family fun!

Many stories will be told at the Crawford County Jail!

Many stories will be told at the Crawford County Jail!



Look for our Festival Card brochure and come festival with us

For the Love Of Mud

Crawford County Historical Society, Jug Fest 5K and 1 Mile Fun Run

8th Annual GA Jug Fest 5K & 1 Mile Fun Run

May 18, 2023 Knoxville, Georgia    Many stories will be told at the Crawford County Jail!  come tour our old buildings!

Check out the growing list of Sponsors we also have Crawford Family Medicine  and Knoxville Store and both are Silver supporters. We thank all the many people who assist in some way to make Georgia Jug Fest Fun! Check out the Chamber Facebook for updates and Facebook Ads! For the love of mud! Come Festival with us May 20, 2023! at the 17th Georgia Jug Festival. Visit 

No Admission and Free Parking —save you money to by from our Pottery and Art Vendors …that will be more fun!

The West se Contest will be on display at the Harris Arena with our CCHS Art Show; Memorial Birdhouse has been sponsored by the West Family for over 11 years to promote pottery making by youth. Pull the truck race was great for last year

“for the love of mud!”       As Always!…It is Free Admission, Free Parking and Free enjoyment for the family unless you choose to purchase from our many pottery and craft vendors we plan to have. Children’s Little Brown Jug area will be filled with old time events, pottery and craft making and so much more!  Come have Fun on May 18. 2024. Then in the evening we will finish in Roberta with tug of war, corn hole tournament and even some sort of racing…(more to come on this surprise.)

Events to look forward to:

Lunch and Learn  held at Musella Baptist Church, Musella, Georgia 2024.

Potters, Arts and Crafts available for your shopping needs! Stephen  Johnson, Shelby West, Jon and Constance Brinley, Derrek Bellflower, Kris Robson, and many others have been contacted to show the wonderful potter hand made.  Kiln will be fired on May 13 and many items will be ready to sell including Johnson and West pottery. 

Pottery –  Potters and Crafters have time to sign-up–Dead Line April 20, 2024. 

Arts, Crafts and more! Here is the List! Shelby West, Hay’s Clay (Stephen Johnson) and hoping all the potters you are glad to see each year will be set up so loist will be updated as they come in: Shelby West; Stephen Johnson; Young CCHS Potters have creations ready to fire. Our wood workers and other crafts will be set up for all to visit and buy lovely gifts. Many have gone the old ways stitching beautiful Quilts, clothing, children’s things, wood working, gardeners choice plants and much more. Business on the Field will be most

Entertainment on the field

My hat potter

Band performances from 10:30 till 9 pm in Roberta. watch forthe update on band

Friday May 17, 2024 – Miss Jug Festival and Little Miss Jug Fest–Please pick up the form from the city of Roberta 

The  Puppy Pageant on  stage  at  the  fair  field.  

Plan to come Enjoy a beautiful day! Check out the Chamber and our Jug Fest Facebook for updates and Facebook Ads!

Georgia Jug Festival and Old Knoxville Days  is Co-sponsored by Crawford County Historical Society and the Roberta-Crawford County Chamber of Commerce 

more are as follows:
I will be updating this information very soon! For the love of mud! look at our Sponsors! Support them and THANK YOU SPONSORS!

Sponsor Recognition/Our List Grows by Our Community Involvement 

Roberta Drug Store           Atlanta Sand and Supply Crawford County Government /Honorable Commissioners Roberta City Mayor and Council           Flint Energies                       Georgia Power   Champion’s Restaurant         

The Council on Alcohol and Drugs       Southern Rivers Energy      Georgia Community Bank      Community Ambulance                                        


                                      Special Thanks to Media Friends 

Guide to Georgia -where you want to be anytime of the year!  The Georgia Post    and all those who support in our business and industry.

Thank you Sponsors! We Can’t Do it Without YOU!

Are you ready to SHOP! Are you ready to SELL! In 2024 – March 8 and 9 in 2024

March 8-9 2024; 8 a.m. – 6 p.m. The Longest Yard Sale in Georgia from Barnesville to Brunswick, Georgia on US 341 and oh the fun you will have or the money you can make! Rain did not curb the crowd to get the shopping at Peaches to the Beaches 2024! Call and reserve your spot!

Official yard sites range from multi-organizational group sites to the official individual sites. As you are traveling during this event, look for the The Official Site Banners and Official Vendor Yard Signs which will be located along Hwy 341 for places to stop and shop!

Come join us as a shopper and look at all the places open for your business to find the treasure your are looking to have. Take a minute to link to Peaches to the Beaches viewing the easy to read and follow the link to Peaches to the Beaches mapping system and see for yourself the many places to shop ’till you drop. All your favorite place are there in your home town and county!

Come to 39 Wright Avenue and have your business or off site vendor spot on a map that travels you to sales and fun!…You rent the sign and you will be known on the map! All those traveling will see you and where you are on the “longest yard sale in Georgia!” Remember price goes up on February 1, 2024 from $40 to $50 and more the six vendor off sites locations $240 to $250. Food only is priced at $50 and late charge is $10

1)Become an Official Peaches to the Beaches in 2024
space. After February 1, 2024: $50 per space
2)RENT an Official Yard Sign to be placed at your choice of location. $40 per official yard sign at your house if on Hwy 341;
After February 1, 2024: $50 per official yard sign. Note: After February 1, we cannot guarantee that your listing will be included on vendor/site maps, website, listings, etc. Official Yard Signs available while supplies last.
3)RENT an Official Site Banner $240 to be an official site (for locations with 6 or more vendors).
$240 per official site banner. Note: After February 10, we cannot guarantee that your site will be included on vendor/site maps, websites, listings, etc.  8 a.m. to 6 p.m. on both days of the event.
Come have fun, shop, or sell!!peaches_to_beaches_yardsale

To become an Official Vendor, contact 
Patti Temple
Roberta Crawford County Chamber of Commerce
Mail: P.O. Box 417
Roberta Georgia 31078

Shopping fever is hard to quench and clean cupboard, carports, closets and outbuilding a treasure to have not to mention the money you can raise!