Everyone is Welcome to attend Lizella Baptist Church! Traditional services at 8:30 am; Blended Services at 11:00am. Our church community provides many programs for youth and adults to find and develop a Christian Life. Like them on Facebook and visit the website: www.lizellabaptist.net.
Jesus Focus -People Friendly...Sheltering in place? Join us on our Youtube Channel at 11 am @Lizella Life
Beautiful Baptist church in Crawford County since 1884
Roberta Church, in Roberta opens its doors to all of you.
Freda Gaines Signs of Hope Outreach Ministry is a newly established ministry. Our mission is to deal with the needs and concerns of people beyond the walls of the church. We want to restore hope and provide opportunities for people to become all that God intends them to be. This ministry will provide spiritual, educational and social events and activities throughout the community that will promote Godly relationships.