Roberta city government-Incorporated in 1880. Mayor Jay Andrews, and current council seats: Mayor Protem-Joe Mathews, Council Seats-Robert Cody, Connie Gibson, Sherry Thompson and Arnita Harris; City Clerk Kim Anglin and Assitant City Clerk, Melissa Spillers.
Local county government offices
We provide services for Crawford County's families and children. We work to serve our clients.
Working to encourage economic development in Crawford County
Provides help and information for job seekers and employers, news, regulations, statistics and contacts.
Serving all of Crawford County as bondsman, community awareness, youth intervention and community participation.
The Middle Georgia Consortium, Inc. (Consortium) is the fiscal agent for MGWIB and receives Federal funding to support workforce development in Middle Georgia under the Workforce Investment Act (WIA).
Roberta Housing Authority is to provide decent, safe and sanitary housing for low-income families, the elderly, and persons with disabilities, and to promote self-sufficiency and economic independence for all residents.
Federal Subsidized Housing/Low Income Housing
A 50 year -old nonprofit, The Council on Alcohol and Drugs is registered as a 501 (c) 3 nonprofit government supported agency. As an education agency, providing substance abuse and suicide prevention programs and material by using most current research on drug use, death by suicide and its impact on the community it serves.